Behind the scenes
I've had a fascination and wonder of the natural world for as long as I can remember. I love trying to understand how things work and the interactions between organisms and their environment.
As a boy, I spent a lot of my time clambering up trees in search of caterpillars, or crawling around in the dirt inspecting ants nest or looking for wolf spiders, and to be honest, that is still pretty much what I do today.

I've always been an avid photographer and filmmaker, and these skills are perfect for getting me out amongst the nature I love, documenting everything I can.
Over the last four years, I have been filming many different species of arthropod for a large project that is well underway.
In the coming years I will be releasing informative films, each based around a different order of insects with the footage I have taken over this time. They will be aimed at people with an interest in how these animals live and coexist with other species, along with the elements that make them so unique.
I aim to give a new view of these animals that are far too often seen as horrible and a nuisance, and show just how truly magnificent they are.

My deep need to understand the inner workings of things, drew me further and further into a world of the minute. I found myself drawn to thinking about the life that existed within moss jungles and rotting fruit. I began to think about the organisms that survived off of the decay of life. So I have recently begun going into a world of microscopic proportions, photographing and documenting life that I find within these places, and it truly is a captivating world.