Natural World In Photos
I have always been entranced by nature, from plant life to the smallest of insects. I can't get enough of being out amongst the natural world, watching how everything interacts. I enjoy documenting species and the changes to their environments over time.
View my photographic galleries below.
Arthropods have exoskeletons and jointed appendages. Many recognisable species belong to the phylum Arthropoda— On land these cover insects, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, and millipedes and in the water, crabs, crayfish, lobsters, shrimps and barnacles.
Plant Life
Plants are extraordinary. Without them, nothing else would be able to survive. They feed us, and the meat that people choose to eat. They are the true rulers of this beautiful planet. From the earliest forms of plant life, such as the mosses and ferns, right through to the most spectacularly beautiful and intricate species, such as orchids. Plants are everything.
Fungi & Lichen
Fungus's are eukaryotic organisms that includes microorganisms such as molds and yeasts, and the mushrooms which you will see here. Many people categorise mushrooms with plants, but in fact, they aren't closely related at all. In fact, they are likely closer to us than they are to plants. Lichens are complex organisms, formed through a symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae, with the Fungi a dominant partner.
Reptiles & amphibians
From water loving frogs to snakes, take a look at these incredible animals.
Those like us. This is why we often view mammals as cute, and people often prefer cute cuddly things, because we can relate to them easier. After all, it is inbuilt in us to find those that are more closely related to us more attractive.
Those that mainly took to the skies, and the closest relatives to those that walked the earth 66 million years ago. Birds are amazing and fascinating animals.
The places that support life of all kinds, from natural environments to man made places. Each environment supports many ecosystems, that in turn support life of many kinds.